
The Booster Module will send an alert whenever a new member boosts the discord.

But that's not all!

All boosters will have access to the /booster command set, which allows them to setup and modify their own custom role through the bot, as well as equip and un-equip it.

If they remove their boost, or if their boost expires, the role will not be deleted, but it will be removed from them.

You must allow "Send a message when someone boosts this server" in your Server Settings. The channel doesn't necessarily have to necessarily be your Home Bot's boosts notification channel, it can be in a private channel.

Config Boosters (/config boosters)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command.

Configure the Boosters module and customize its message.

state: Whether boost notification messages should be sent or not.

notification_channel: The channel where all boost notifications will be sent.

placeholder_role: The role under which all custom booster roles will be created.

Upon using this command, you will be able to edit and preview your Boosts message.

Author Name Text Replacements:

  • {user_name} — the name of the user.

  • {user_mention} — the user mention.

  • {server_name} — your server's name.

  • {boosts_count} — your server's current boosts count.

Booster Role (/booster role)

Only Server Boosters can use this command. Additionally, the Boosters module must first be configured before using this command.

Setup or customize your custom role!

name: The name to be set for the custom role.

hex_color: The hex code of the custom role's color.

icon: The image to be used as a role icon.

Character Limits:

name: maximum of 100 characters

Equip Role (/booster equip)

Only Server Boosters can use this command, and they must have a custom role setup. Additionally, the Boosters module must first be configured before using this command.

Equip your custom role!

Un-equip Role (/booster unequip)

Only Server Boosters can use this command, and they must have a custom role setup. Additionally, the Boosters module must first be configured before using this command.

Un-equip your custom role!

Last updated