Genshin Co-Op

This module provides a sophisticated way of organizing Genshin Co-Op requests. It comes with threads for discussions, claims locked behind specific carry roles, and more.

Coop (/coop)

Send a co-op help request! This will send a Modal (popup GUI) where they must enter their UID and World Level, the help request, and how many runs of the domain/boss/other.

server: Your genshin account's server.

Config Genshin Co-Op (/config genshin_coop)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command.

Configure the Genshin Co-Op module.

america_channel: The channel where North America region co-op requests will be sent.

europe_channel: The channel where Europe region co-op requests will be sent.

asia_channel: The channel where Asia region co-op requests will be sent.

sar_channel: The channel where TW/HK/MO region co-op requests will be sent.

america_carry_role: (@everyone for no role) The carry role of the North America region.

europe_carry_role: (@everyone for no role) The carry role of the Europe region.

asia_carry_role: (@everyone for no role) The carry role of the Asia region.

sar_carry_role: (@everyone for no role) The carry role of the TW/HK/MO region.

delete_thread: Whether to delete the thread created after a co-op request is claimed; this can be true or false.

thread_duration: How long the thread should last for if it is to be deleted; 1 minute minimum, 7 days maximum. delete_thread must be set to true for this to take effect.

If you don't wish to lock request-claiming behind a specific carry role, use @everyone for that region's xyz_carry_role option. This will not ping any role upon a user creating a co-op request, and the request will be open for everyone to claim.

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