ModMail Commands

We highly recommend you read through ModMail & Bring-in in its entirety first.

On this page, we'll go through all ModMail configuration commands, which are:

Config ModMail Module (/config modmail module)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command.

Configure the ModMail module.

state: Whether new ModMail tickets can be created or not.

perms_role: The role that will be required to execute ModMail & Bring-in ticket commands.

logs_channel: The channel where all ModMail message logs will be sent.

naming_type: The type of ModMail & Bring-in ticket channel naming; this can be Usernames (#elysianxiv) or Numbers (#ticket-0297).

Add ModMail Category (/config modmail add_category)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command. Additionally, the ModMail module must first be configured before using this command.

Add a new ModMail category.

category: The category that ModMail ticket channels will be created in.

name: The name of the new category.

description: The description of the new category.

mentions_content: The mentions that will be sent when a new ticket of this category is created. Mention however many roles in like so: <@&ROLEID> <@&ROLEID>.

transcript_channel: The channel where all transcripts of this category's tickets will be sent.

Character Limits

name: maximum of 100 characters

description: maximum of 400 characters

mentions_content: maximum of 250 characters

Remove ModMail Category (/config modmail remove_category)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command. Additionally, the ModMail module must first be configured before using this command.d.

Remove an existing ModMail category.

category: The name of the category to be removed. This is an autocomplete, so it will show you a list of all categories.

ModMail Blacklist User (/config modmail blacklist)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command. Additionally, the ModMail module must first be configured before using this command.

Blacklist a user from creating ModMail tickets.

user: The user to be blacklisted from ModMail.

ModMail Unblacklist User (/config modmail unblacklist)

By default, only members with the Administration permission can use this command. Additionally, the ModMail module must first be configured before using this command.

Unblacklist a blacklisted user from creating ModMail tickets.

user: The user to be unblacklisted from ModMail.

Last updated